If the world was ending
[내가 듣는 노래] JP Saxe - If the world was ending (Feat. Julia Michaels)Music lylics/English 2020. 1. 23. 03:27
I was distracted and in traffic 난 정말 혼란스러웠고, 제정신이 아니었었지 I didn't feel it When the earthquake happened 지진이 일어났을때도 느끼지 못했었으니까 But it really got me thinkin' 그런데 지진이 지나간 이후로, 문득 그런 생각에 사로잡히더라고 Were you out drinkin' 그때 넌 한 잔 한다고 밖에 나가있었을까, Were you in the living room Chillin' watchin' television 아니면 거실에서 TV를 보며 쉬고있었을까, 뭐 그런 생각말야 It's been a year now 우리가 헤어진지도 벌써 일 년이 지났어 Think I've figured out how ..